Letter: Robo-calls detracting from earnest fundraising efforts

Published: 02-07-2025 6:00 AM


Lately, there has been one call right after another asking for donations to police organizations. Right when you say “hello,” they hit you with the recording of who they are, what, where and how fast they want donations. Then the real “John Doe” comes on the line and tells you they will send you between one and ten envelopes for donations. Even if you tell them you are a disabled police officer yourself, they continue the rant about sending you envelopes. I told one of the callers “I could be dead by summer.” He said, “That’s great, we will get the donation envelopes right in the mail to you.”

I have seen ignorance and stupidity, but these brain-dead callers looking for donations really need to be shut down. They are hurting the donation drive for cops who really need help, and they are turning donors off. Being a badly disabled cop is not a walk in the park. In my case, I’m 85 years old and trying to make the most of it until the “last sign-off of my lifelong patrol.”

Concord Police & New Hampshire State Police will be on my list until it’s over for me. God bless our law enforcement officers.

Ronald Mapes Sr.
