Letter: Earth Day and the corporate world

Published: 04-24-2024 3:56 PM

Earth Day USA, a moment to contemplate our relationship with nature. A pause, for memories, of my stint as (national) Earth Day USA’s corporate liaison to the “Fortune 100.” How would this business world relate to the special event? Might they be willing to support our efforts at Earth Day USA? Phone calls commenced to gatekeepers of senior-level communications, sharing with them the importance and excitement of Earth Day’s mission. Many complied with our request for an audience and arranged for direct communication with senior officers (chairman, president, CEO, COO, senior vice president.)

Corporate reaction? We succeeded in obtaining moral as well as financial support for key Earth Day national educational publications relating to Earth Day. Years have passed. Now, in 2024, Earth Day has been overshadowed by war, political skirmishes, and the impact of hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes. How to rise to these challenges? Earth Day USA has its place, through belief in the innate goodness of humankind, and respect for Earth and the nature that surrounds us.

Glen W. Swanson


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